Nourishing our children well plays a vital role in the way they grow and develop, the way they behave, how they learn and how they interact with their external environment. In today's world, our diets have increasingly become loaded with sugar, exceeding daily recommendations, affecting our children's health. 

We will learn more about that today on the show with our guest Michael Goran, the author of "Sugarproof: The hidden Dangers of Sugar that are Putting Your Child's Health at Risk and What You Can Do."

This book illuminates the link between dietary sugars and the physical, metabolic, behavioral, and learning problems that are plaguing our children—and that shows parents how to successfully “sugarproof” their children for a healthier start in life. 

Dr. Michael I. Goran is the Program Director for Diabetes and Obesity Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles and The Saban Research Institute Professor of Pediatrics & Atkins Endowed Chair in Pediatric Obesity and Diabetes Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California. 

Need help with improving your child’s health using integrative approaches?

  • Check out my Instagram page -full of information, latest research, tips and tools for parents who want to be more effective with improving their children’s health and behavior.

  • Want to work with me? Contact us here.

Episode Highlights
Why are our children so vulnerable?

Sugar and alternative sweetners, what are they doing to our children

Natural sweeteners that can be used instead of processed white sugar

Ways to start limiting our children/family’s sugar intake

Sugar consumption during pregnancy and its affect on babies 

Sugar in baby and infant formulas and solutions

Music Credit:
First Light - Atch
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0


Episode 3: Addressing your Child's Eczema, Skin Rashes and Disorders


Recovering your child From Sensory Processing Disorder (spd)